Georgy Jureidini
History Teacher and Head of Humanities at Seymour College
‘Hannah demonstrated an absolutely terrific knowledge of her subject area and a focussed and constant awareness of the three curricula she needed to follow (Seymour College’s for Religion Studies, the Australian Curriculum for Year 10 History and SACE for Year 11 Modern History and Research Project).’
‘Hannah used PowerPoints which could be shared with students throughout her placement. Her lessons were extremely well organised and her PowerPoints were gratefully received by students. One of her Year 10 History classes included six students with English as a Second Language and this structured approach helped them keep up with her classes. Hannah also used many worksheets and activities to embed her learning intentions and did so very effectively. Hannah demonstrated interest and enthusiasm for all her subjects and was able to set up lessons and activities clearly. She was able to work with small and large groups. She chose terrific short clips to clarify her learning intentions and the students really appreciated these.’
‘She took the initiative in undertaking research to find out about issues which arose in class. On one occasion she took one interesting aspect from a documentary she viewed with one class during her observation week and crafted an entire Historical Skills lesson around it and this was a fascinating lesson (which I will use again and share with all Year 10 History teachers).’
‘Hannah was very consultative with me throughout her placement, most transparent in all her decision making, resource selection and preparation. I had real confidence in her pedagogical judgment very quickly. Her lessons were explicitly geared towards learning intentions, everyone knew exactly why the lesson was being taught. Her lesson plans were thoroughly prepared, and contained an excellent balance of direct instruction, discussion, activities and self-directed learning and the students really enjoyed them.’
Jack Egan
‘Think Bright’ Innovative Curriculum Teacher at Brighton Secondary School
‘Hannah spent time studying the students and their individual learning needs which is vital for the personalised nature of this subject. Challenge-Based Project requires predominantly 1-on-1 time with students. I was able to observe her conducting higher order conversations with students about the direction of their projects without directly giving the answer, but guiding students there, allowing for constructionist learning.’
‘She was able to see where improvements with the experimental subject could be implemented and suggested these thoughtfully. Her ability to reflect and evaluate her own teaching is Hannah’s best strength, and indicates she is a teacher that will continually improve her practice throughout her career.’
‘Hannah’s feedback given to students was highly detailed and personalised. This feedback directed students toward meeting their individual goals effectively. The students really appreciated the degree of attention they received in this regard.’
Sophie Russell
English Teacher at Brighton Secondary School
‘Hannah demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject area and current curriculum. She is highly competent in her ability and willingness to research additional background knowledge of the topics she teaches. She gives students insight into how they should approach and think about their work and learning. She is excellent at drawing higher order thinking from students.’
‘Throughout the practicum, Hannah consulted with me about the curriculum, syllabus and the nature of the classes she was teaching. She identified appropriate objectives of units and lessons, having a goal for student learning for every lesson. She took into account different student abilities and modified work where necessary. Her lesson plans were detailed, with a logical sequence of learning activities. The planning of her lessons demonstrated determination, imagination and logical thought. She collaborated with me to email parents of students who were not experiencing success. She reflected constantly on her teaching, looking for ways to improve her practice and the content of her lessons.’
‘Hannah’s grading of work was quick, accurate and efficient. Her feedback to students was outstanding, and something that the students appreciated. She requested drafts for every task, and gave thorough and helpful feedback to each student.’